Privacy Policy


Welcome to Pakokula Lighting, website operated by Guangzhou Beisai Network Technology Co., Ltd. For assistance or inquiries, please reach out to us through our online customer service center available on our website.

Transaction Security

We employ rigorous electronic verification with credit companies for each transaction. Only upon their explicit authorization do we process any orders. If transactions appear suspicious or are declined, we may contact you to confirm their authenticity and verify your identity. In certain cases, for security reasons, we reserve the right to cancel orders with comprehensive notification to you.

Our commitment to your data security is paramount. We use advanced Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption technology, ensuring your information is encrypted at 128-bit strength during transmission. You can identify this secure connection by the padlock icon visible in your browser window and the 'https://' prefix in the website address. If for any reason a secure connection cannot be established, we will not transmit sensitive information and may contact you for further assistance.

Information You Provide

We meticulously collect and store any information you provide via our website or in other communications. This encompasses a wide range of data, from basic contact details to more detailed transactional information. The primary use of this information is to respond to your requests, tailor your future shopping experiences on our site, continuously improve our service offerings, and efficiently fulfill your orders.

In our commitment to enhance your experience with us, we occasionally send out notifications about special offers and promotions, carefully curated based on your previous purchase history. We assure you that your personal contact information is treated with the utmost confidentiality and is never shared or sold to unrelated third-party entities.

Email Communications

Email is a key communication channel for us. The email addresses you provide are crucial for various aspects of customer service and order processing. We communicate about your orders, respond to inquiries, and, from time to time, send out newsletters containing updates and promotions. You have full control over these communications and can opt out of newsletters and promotional emails at any time following the instructions provided in each email.

Automatic Information Collection

Each time you interact with our website, we receive and store certain types of information. This is a common practice across many websites and involves the use of cookies. These small data files are essential for enhancing your browsing and shopping experience on


Cookies are critical for various website functionalities. They are alphanumeric identifiers that we transfer to your computer's hard drive through your web browser. This enables our system to recognize your browser and provides features like remembering items in your shopping cart and understanding your preferences based on previous site visits. While most browsers offer the option to block new cookies, notify you when you receive a new cookie, or disable cookies entirely, we recommend keeping them active for the best user experience on our site.

Email and Newsletter Preferences

Our commitment to your privacy extends to how we handle your contact information. We strictly use your email for order-related communications and for sending newsletters and promotions, which are always aligned with your preferences. Should you decide to opt out of receiving these communications, you can easily do so through the unsubscription instructions provided in each email.

Sharing of Information

The information about our customers forms the backbone of our business, and we hold a firm policy against selling or sharing this data with unrelated third parties. While our website may include links to third-party advertisers and other websites for your convenience, we do not share any personal information with these entities.

Terms of Use, Notices, and Revisions

Your visit and any privacy-related disputes on are subject to this Privacy Policy, alongside our Terms of Use, which include limitations on damages and dispute resolution through arbitration under United States law. If you have any concerns regarding your privacy on our website, please feel free to reach out to us at for assistance. Please note that our business and the digital landscape are ever-evolving. Consequently, this Privacy Policy and the Terms of Use are subject to changes and updates. We recommend reviewing them periodically to stay informed of any alterations.